Reducing the climate impact of aviation
HESTIA specifically focuses on increasing the scientific knowledge of the hydrogen-air combustion of future hydrogen-fuelled aero-engines.
HESTIA - HydrogEn combuSTion In Aero engines is a research project focusing on increasing the scientific knowledge of the hydrogen-air combustion of future hydrogen- fuelled aero-engines.
Launched in September 2022, the project has received 5 043 800 EUR from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. It is set to run for a period of 48 months and is coordinated by Safran.
See About
HESTIA gathers 18 universities and research centres, as well as the 6 European aero-engine manufacturers, to significantly prepare, in a coherent and robust manner, for the future development of environmentally friendly combustion chambers.
See Consortium.
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🛫 The HESTIA project website is now live! ➡️ About the project and the partnership ➡️ Public results and disseminat… https://t.co/tkzn2T7nsO
🎯What are the objectives of the #HESTIAproject ? https://t.co/nMzrH8wkYR
RT @vonderleyen: Hydrogen is a game-changer for Europe. And we want to maintain our trailblazers position as we build a global mark… https://t.co/5lgcZc0GuH
RT @EUClimateAction: Renewable #hydrogen is produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable electricity. It will… https://t.co/nqlVxmadJX
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